Monday, 30 April 2012

Combined Scheme - View point - Ground

The scheme is a pure blend of both architects by infusing one distinctive attribute of each. With Utzon the scheme monumentalises his philosophy of ‘additive’ architecture. This is realised through the exposed concrete piers, the repeated  unit is placed around a semi-circle and acts as the supporting structure.

For BIG, the monument articulates, Ingel’s’ fascination in creating land mass and providing a social space for physical human interaction. The topping, which is supported by Utzons piers, is a meticulously manicured grassed man man hill, to pic nic on and admire the majestic view. The platform is shaped in a donut, with one of its edges lifted high into the sky.(A technique emphasized in the W57 building, New York).

Each architectural element relies on the other to complete the monument. And together it creates something totally original.

Combined Scheme - Viewpoint - Wide

Combined Concept - 'Land mass' and 'Additive Architecture'

The sketch illustrates a combination of references; BIG's man made landmass(terracing) and Utzon's exposed structure, which is a repeatable, 'additive' architectural devise.

Additive Unit - 5 plane combinations

Investigation into Utzon's 'additive' philosophy. Experimenting with different combinations of 5 planes.

Additive Unit - Study 2

Investigation into an Utzon's 'additive' philosophy to find a repeatable unit to form a structural pier.

Additive Unit - Study 1

Picking up on Utzon's additive architectural philosophy I've investigated a repeatable unit that can from a structural pier.

Utzon - 'Void' structure

Positive and negative spaces framing a central void.

Utzon - Concept Three - Exposed structure

The structure is exposed. Alternate levels are cantilevered off central supporting column.

Utzon - Concept Two - Additive

The individual planes interlock to form a 'unit' that can be replicated and added to create a structure that can grow.

Utzon - Concept One - Void

Interconnecting planes create positive and negative spaces, framing a central void.

BIG - 'Multi purpose' structure

Multi purpose structure in situ. The over lapping planar forms maximise the view from all angles and the roof is a putting range.

BIG - Concept Three - Mountain

The concept references BIG's philosophy of creating buildings as land mass. The terracing is reminiscent of the MTN project and the truncated sides, picks up on the Copenhagen waste management project.

BIG - Concept Two - Multi purpose

The structure is amalgamation of stacked, extended plains. The intention is to maximize the surrounding view and have multiple purposes (e.g the roof is also a putting range).

Sunday, 29 April 2012

BIG - Concept One - Subtraction & Addition

Quite literately - Subtraction and Addition (picking up on BIG's playful side and referencing subtraction and addition through evolution. Bjarke Ingels referrers to Darwin and his theory of natural selection as an accurate explanation of the Architects creative process).